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Old 05-01-2003, 01:45 AM   #9
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Default Re: Where To Put Everyone's Personal Belongings?

My big question after reading your post is . . .

what did you do on vacation before you purchased the TrailManor?

We had tent camped with our kids for years.  Of course, we had also been on vacations where we stayed in hotels -- whether for one week in a location, or moving on every day or so.  A week in a single hotel room still had us moving stuff on the beds, off the beds, on the small table, off the dresser top, etc.  It was even more fun lugging things in and out, up and down stairs or elevators, on those trips where we changed locations every day or so.

The easy answer is, of course, to take less.  Ha!  It can be done, however.  Subsequent trips will show you and your kids that a few select items will do just fine.  Go through the items you took on the last trip and eliminate some of the stuff that really didn't get used.

Utilize the trunk or other storage in your vehicle.  You are going to be in and out of the TM all day anyway -- nothing difficult about reaching in to the trunk or back end of your vehicle before heading in to change clothes.  When we were tent campers, we stored our cookware and clothes in rubbermaid-type storage boxes -- which could be left outside the tent and vehicle in most any weather.  You can tuck these under the ends of the TM and they are pretty much protected from the elements.  No reason games, etc. couldn't also go in these.  Of course, your food will need protection from critters so it MUST be inside the TM or tow vehicle.

If camping is all new to you, you will need to look carefully at clothing choices for this vacation life.  For campground days, a pair of khakis, jeans, or denim shorts can be worn more days than you would guess and still be acceptable.  Think of how little clothing a backpacker takes for a week long trip and they must be truly prepared for all types of weather and no real shelter.  Of course, if you are heading off-site you might want to clean up a bit!

In addition to storage, you might want to look at some of the items that are marketed to tent campers and backpackers.  Quick dry towels, and even the lighter-weight quick-drying underwear can cut down on the storage you need.  It may sound silly, but you can wash that underwear right as you shower and it will be dry and ready to go the next morning.  With six people, you could pack only two pair each and eliminate 5 pair each from a weeks packing.  That's probably an entire drawer.

Most importantly, relax and enjoy the great outdoors.  Be outside whenever possible, including meals, and look to your TM as shelter from the dark of night and bad weather.  Before you know it those kids will be off to college and it will be just the two of you with storage galore!
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