Thread: WASPS ! !
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Old 12-25-2004, 07:44 AM   #13
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Default Re: WASPS!

I just finished reading all the interesting posts about wasps and dirt daubers. I will throw in my two-cents worth.

I have found only one small yellow-jacket's nest under the front awning of our TM. They are now in y-j heaven if there is such a thing. We are overun with yellow jackets in our area.

We have another insect in central Texas that will deliver a painful bite when provoked, or if one lands in your hair as happened to my wife . That insect is commonly known as the "wheelbug". I don't know the technical name for it, but you can put wheelbug in your search engine and you will get a bunch of hits. They are an ugly beast that ranges in size from 1/4 inch up to an inch and a half in size. Although they are listed as a beneficial insect because they are death to many garden pests, I still experience no heart pangs when I send one of them to stony-lonesome.

I would be interested to know if anyone else has had experience with this pre-historic looking creature.

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