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Old 06-27-2006, 11:57 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

congrats on your TM
1. your fridge should have a fan built in that you are supposed to run when its warm out. The switch is above the cabinet doors below the sink next to the water pump switch. were you level? I set mine up for 2 days in the driveway to load the fridge and clothes b4 leaving and didn't get too level. To my suprise everything froze. even a jar of pickles. I now make sure I am very level and have no problems
2. the hot musty smell? not sure on this one maybe someone else can help I would say, what did you put in the toliet for chemicals. I have used the aqua-chem for 4 days in the high 90's with no smells. I also am sure that I use more chemicals than they call for just to be safe and odorless. if its not the toilet, I suggest a fan. we have one that runs all the time on the counter during the day and place it on the floor at night to move the heat and ac around a little better. we also have the roof vets open even if its just a little bit.

Good luck and happy camping.
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