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Old 02-22-2008, 08:06 AM   #28
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Yeah - the deductible is high but it is high by choice to keep the premium down. Any deductible is just basically self insurance to that limit and as a personal injury attorney for 30+ years, I generally reccomend high deductibles to my clients. Ordinarily a carrier rates claims as "chargeable" or "non-chargable" - in other words whether the claim is arguably the insured's fault or not. Generally a reputable carrier will not raise rates for an isolated non-chargeable claim. I think that in the 19 years we've been insured with SF we've reported one collision claim. In that instance the other driver ran a stop sign directly in front of us and my rate did not change. If you have a questionable record the carrier is far more likely to raise rates. - camp2canoe
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