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Old 05-02-2011, 07:01 AM   #1
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Default Electric Tongue Jack – battery drain fix?

Electric Tongue Jack – battery drain fix?

We have an electric tongue jack which makes it easy to mount/dismount the TM to the TV, but I have noticed that on too many short trips and short stays, my TM battery drops dangerously in power availability when the jack is to be used.

My TM battery is enclosed at the rear end and I am wondering if I put a mod to provide an access to the battery posts while the TM is closed with a switch on/off for safety, then could I just use an "emergency car starter battery" placed in series to the TM battery to give it a quick jolt to provide restored TM trailer use and electric jack use until I can get to an electric outlet to recharge the TM battery?

Would that procedure blow the fuse in the TM? If the TM battery is LOW then will it drain the TV battery and possibly keep the TV from starting after a short trip like to the dump before leaving?

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