Thread: Old (1984) TM
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Old 07-15-2004, 07:43 PM   #4
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Default Re:Old (1984) TM

Exercise caution. We have a 1990 M-26. Open and close the unit yourself. Does it work easily? Hang up? Look for signs of water leaks or soft spots along the edges of the walls where the framing would be. Check if the wheel wells are damaged. Does everything line up? Do the shells swing too far, past the locking pins that keeps them from moving when the TM is set up?

Our TM had rot similar to what you can see on HappyTrail's website. I have repaired it and found that it isn't a terrible job to complete. I also find that our forward shell is more difficult to open than the rear one. Suspect a torsion bar adjustment is in order, by shimming.

I don't want to scare you away from it, but do your homework. Make sure the appliances all work, they can be expensive. After looking over the TM carefully, I'd consider offering less for it. Perhaps 2000-2500.

And membership to this board is the best thing you can do. I've gotten awnsers here that have helped me fix everything that has come up with the TM. We are very pleased with our 1990 unit.

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