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Old 04-27-2010, 04:30 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

If you were towing in the summer, when the temperature is high and you are probably running the air conditioner, an old trick is to roll down the windows, turn off the a/c and put the heater on full blast.

Turning off the a/c decreases the load on the engine.

Turning on the heater helps cool the coolant.

Opening the windows is to try and keep you comfortable.

Not everyone knows this trick. My daughter has to do this in her Miata on the Grapevine in the summer, but she can put the top down instead of rolling the windows down.

I expect to never have this problem. I have a smaller TM and a bigger truck. I set cruise control for 55 and let the on-board computer take over.

But, your average mpg is probably better than the 11 that I get.
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