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Old 03-13-2008, 11:03 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

My perspective may be a little different than what you are asking but:

Medical/dental info for everyone, doctor names, phone numbers, list of vaccines that are current, prescription information, etc.

Whistle on a lanyard around the neck for the kids with proper instructions on how to use it if they get lost, stay in one place, blow whistle 3 times. We all know that we can keep an eye on the kids, but it is still amazing how far they can wander off in 5 minutes.

To answer your specific questions.:

Batteries, I use two group 24s but will replace them with 2 group 27s when they fail. With my swing tongue that is the most I can add. Trojan T105 6volt batteries are too tall for my TM. If I use my furnace then I need to charge the batteries once a day for about an hour or so. If I do not use the furnace then I can charge every other day. Every day that you drive you will be charging the batteries while towing, assuming your TV charge system is fully operational. I recommend you test that it will charge the TM batteries while towing. Some people have found that the charge wire is undersized.

I would get a generator instead of solar. Solar only works in the sun. Generators work as long as you have fuel. Generator is cheaper to purchase. Solar is cheaper in the long run because it has no fuel cost. If you drive every other day and do not use the furnace then you might not need a generator at all, but that is rather iffy. To charge the batteries a 1000 watt generator is big enough. If you want to run a microwave oven or other heavy electrical appliances then you probably need 2000 watts. I doubt that you will need to run air conditioning. To run the a/c may require 3000 watts.

For water planning purposes, I plan on 5 gallons of water per person per day. That is with good but not great conservation. Navy shower every other day and a sponge bath in between. I carry over 100 feet of water hose but that is so I can reach a faucet in a campground that is not near my site. You can probably get water every time you pack up to move. It depends on how long you will stay in one spot. I also carry a pair of 3 gallon collapsible water containers for transporting water from a faucet too far away for my hoses to reach.

I have never heard of anyone using the fridge as a freezer, but I can tell you that I can freeze lettuce and tomatoes in mine. You still need a way to carry milk, eggs and other things you do not want to freeze. Dry ice is another option. I have carried frozen meat in a cooler for 2 weeks easily. But you would need to replenish the dry ice along the way and that may not always be possible.

Personally, I would not use the Little Buddy Heater when we were asleep. I trust my on board furnace because it is vented to the outside. If you expect it to be cold enough to be using the heater a lot get a pair of swim noodles to stuff up into the space on the outside bottom of the read bed to block the draft. I also increased the snugness of the rear upper shell to the lower shell because I had a draft behind the closet.

When I go hiking I take my backpacking PUR HIKER water pump. This allows me to safely drink the water in creeks. I can take a group out all day and we always have cold water to drink and don't have to carry it. In a pinch I could use it to fill my TM 40 gallon tank from a creek.
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