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Old 12-24-2006, 10:44 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default Another curtain question - somebody help me out here!

I've taken down all of my curtains and valances in hopes of completing new ones through this winter.

I'm wondering if anyone out there has tried hanging up curtains using standard "cafe curtain" rods instead of using the tracks and tape? I wouldn't think the rods would stick out too far. I'm trying to avoid having to sew the track tapes onto the curtain fabric if possible.

The rods I'm referring to are like the ones you would see on a door, for example, that has one going across the top and one going across the bottom to keep the curtain taut.

Would there be enough clearance when folding down?

Also, could they just be screwed/mounted directly into the wall or do you have to do anything special (wall anchors?) when mounting things to the wall?

Thanks in advance to anyone who has thoughts/ideas/suggestions.
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