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Old 06-14-2009, 06:33 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

I had to repair the front metal surface (the door seals ride or rest on the surface) it was rusted. Anyway you have to dis connect the gas line and electric was simple on mine (2001 3326) it was a plug that has an outlet right in the back side.

Their are four screws on the front that are hidden with caps, the control unit had two screws and mine unplugged pretty easy once the cover was removed.

Just make sure all wires are clear and wiggle it into the inside.

Have you looked at the hardware store for mice/rat bait I use the small box and the chunks that are all green in color and seem to work real well. I throw down a couple of chunks around the trailer and have the boxes in the compartments. I live next to a river and all sorts of critters like to visit.

Good luck
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