Thread: Smor' tillas
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Old 08-06-2003, 11:28 AM   #1
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Default Smor' tillas

A couple of times during the rain when we haven't been able to roast marshmallows outside, we've discovered a new taste sensation -- Smor' tillas. You take a skillet, and heat it, then put in some cooking spray. You will fry a flour tortilla on one side just till in begins to brown. Then you take it out of the pan, put it on a plate, and turn it so that the uncooked part is up. You can place inside the tortilla some semi sweet chocolate chips, and mini marshmallows, and my favorite a little bit of peanut butter. Fold these up, zap in the microwave for about 30 seconds and let cool.

Once you cut these in wedges, they taste great!
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