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Old 07-18-2011, 10:04 PM   #29
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 83

ok I made it to the next leg of my trip without and blow outs this time.... However, I did stop every 2.5 hours to rest and cool off the tires. late part of the driving day it hit 92 and by the time I arived at the campsite the side giving me trouble was hotter than the other side. It was hot enough that I could not keep my had on the wheel for too long. is that an indication of a problem with the bearings? when I took the bearings out cleaned them. I inspected each and every bearing for function. overall warping, heat stress marks and it really did look fine. I used ngsl #2 trailer greese (marine grade). let me know if I should have the bearings switched. since I'm on the road I wont be able to do it myself.
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