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Old 05-17-2011, 12:53 PM   #1
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Default Entry Door Problems (2000 3023)

As time has gone on, the entry door on my 3023 is becoming more & more difficult to match up (the top piece to the bottom piece), and more & more difficult to open and close once it is mated together. It seems like the rear, door-side corner of the front shell is not raising enough, and that it is weighing heavily on the door halves’ mating surface. I have experimented by gently and carefully raising the shell’s support strut (that resides just aft of the door) with a bottle jack. This small amount of lift/support seems to take the weight off of things, and allows the door to mate up and to open and close as it once did. Is this a common/known problem, and is there a known fix? Perhaps it is a function of torsion bar rigging? Please note that the shells are not hard to open and close, though they are a bit harder now than when I bought it (and did not have door problems). It also seems like it is more difficult to get the square aluminum tube-latch thingy on the front, door-side to “make” until the door mismatch is “made right”. Please note that it is not a trailer leveling issue; I have leveled and tried and leveled and tried ... I’ve even tried non-level configurations to see if that would change anything. The only thing that seems to help is the bottle jack – and I am applying very modest pressure with the thing, for fear of goofing something up inside the shell where the strut attaches. Any help, insight or advice (and even ridicule) are welcome.

Thanks in advance,
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