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Old 05-03-2011, 11:15 PM   #12
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 54

Thanks to everyone that contributed and is helping me through the thought process of all of this.

I have another question... I've been crunching some prelim. numbers on the tow rating of the vehicle and trailer and would like to know if I should be adding the hitch weight to the cars max. load capacity? which to me makes sence since the hitch is attached to the TV. AND... what about the WDH? thats an attachment to the hitch so is that added to the TV load capacity or would that be considered a part of the toung weight of the TM?

I also need clarification on what is sway bars. I was under the impression that the WDH's steel bars that attach via a chain to the trailer are sway bars but the through resurch I see piston type sway bars. so I'm not sure.
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