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Old 04-20-2011, 08:16 AM   #5
Posts: n/a

I am just working from memory, but the fuel cells are pretty efficient, especially the high temperature ones.

There are a lot of advantages with fuel cells. First is obvious byproduct dihydrogen oxide. I many areas of the world this byproduct would be welcomed.

The other advantage are that components don't degrade the way batteries do. Batteries do not last very long at all. After a few years they have to be sent away for processing.

The big problem in using hydrogen as a fuel source is the volume of hydrogen required. I believe the equivalent 20 gallon gas tank would be 60+ gallons in size (actually more and much more expensive). Also just imagine turning in your two 5 gallon propane tanks for a pair of 15s.

I am all for green energy, but people need to realistic about it, understand its limitations, and fully explore its negatives.

Very little research is being done on the negatives of wind farming (beyond the bird problem) or solar. That is there is very few research grants on these issues, which is why we are afflicted with ethanol despite its negative impacts on mileage and increasing the price of food...
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