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Old 04-15-2011, 08:55 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Beach Boy View Post
I have spoke to several gas hauler drivers. They all tell me that there is no difference between major brand gas and discount gas.

They say that there will be an EXXON truck in line for the 87 octane tank at the tank farm followed by a discount truck followed by a Chevron truck. Unless they go to a secret location to add chemicals (yeah right), the majors and the discounters are using the same gasoline.

In addition, it is an industry standard that major brand haulers have contracts with discounters to sell to them the last gasoline in their tanks at the end of their routes.

Gas is gas.
In San Jose there is a gas terminal. There are two pipelines from the refinery down to San Jose.

One is owned and operated exclusively for Chevron. Everyone else shares the other pipeline.

Additives are added at the gas terminal. Each brand adds their own additives and then the gas that is used to fill it is all the same, except for Chevron.

Some stations are better than others at making sure that their in ground tanks are free (almost) of sediment and water. When it exceeds normal the truck is called in to pump to pump out the sediment from the bottom and the water from the top. It is taken back to the refinery to be reprocessed.

A few years ago the fuel pump in my Chevy 1500 failed. One possible cause was 2 gallons of water in a 30 gallon fuel tank.

I had been using one particular ARCO station, except when traveling. I can not say that they were the cause, but I have not had a problem since I stopped going there several years ago.

If this was the source of the water it is not ARCO's fault. It is the fault of that particular station. Some stations are better than others at keeping their fuel clean.
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