I had to replace mine, ordered it from the factory. You need to countersink the screw holes to get the screws to recess enough into the trim. The trim that I used as a replacement was a bit thinner than our original trim.
I found that ours was being damaged by the rear bed slides (the outside edges of the bed that slide in and out, bottom part) material being damaged. Every time it slid in and out over the trim, it was roughing it up. If you go outside and look at the underneath of the bed edges while the TM is open, you can see what shape it's in.
The countersink process is very exacting, I'd order extra trim in case you mess up a couple of them.
Now that I've fixed both the trim and the rear bed slides, it's been fine.
'97 2720 & '01 Chevy Silverado 1500 4x4
2011 & 2017 Prii, 10'x18' & 10'x9' Tents