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Old 08-13-2003, 08:39 PM   #1
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Default Anybody else caught that virus?

Have any of you caught that stupid msblaster worm?

I updated my Norton antivirus, ran the virus check, and was infected the next day. I had updated the Windows patch this last weekend but had to do a system restore because I tried to reinstall my HP photo printer software and it messed things up....and didn't redo the Windows update.

What a mess.

The Norton tool to remove didn't seem to help.

I managed to delete the msblaster.exe file, but am afraid to plug the other computer into the dsl line because every time I did it yesterday the stupid thing kept shutting down, and then I had like a minute to find and delete the msblaster.exe file again. I updated the Norton antivirus again and tried to run the Windows update on the dial up, but after running it for like 5 hours it finally said that the server wasn't responding from Microsoft. The dial up line doesn't seem to be as vulnerable as the DSL. With the DSL it seems like it's instant infection.

Am now running off the laptop that I usually don't use on the internet, on (sigh) dial up.....28k maximum speed.

When is this thing going to run its course?

> > >

What do you think of those losers that propagate these viruses & worms?

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