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Old 01-30-2011, 11:46 AM   #6
Posts: n/a

Thank you all! I mopped the whole thing with pine sol and a mop yesterday but I was pretty uncomfortable on the ladder (I'm not short but it is pretty tall when it is open!). My husband eventually came out from his work on the inside to get the parts I couldn't reach and he decided to just hose it all down. Somewhere between the two, it looks pretty decent. I'll look into the other options too! For now, at least it has been very thoroughly cleaned and we are gearing up for our first trip. The previous owners clearly had pets (I found dog hair in the window wells!) but they did a good job of cleaning it up. We scrubbed every surface on the whole TM yesterday and are worn out today! And now we have to fold it up and put it away as we have a major ice storm bearing down on us. SIGH.

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