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Old 11-19-2010, 02:04 PM   #8
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by harveyrv View Post

Our point is, this forum has been helpful to many, many TM owners. Each question that is raised on here brings answers to several other owners that have the same question. Often times, people will just do a "Search" on the archives and come-up with the answer to a question without having to call TM.
I frequently get either email or private messages with various questions. I almost always answer them, but I encourage them to post the questions here for exactly this reason.

At a west coast rally last year, a newbie asked where to look for answers to various questions. They were referred to here (TMO). They even said that all they had to do was read my posts, while pointing at me, because they would learn a lot in a few hours.

I corrected them. I dared them to read all 2,258 of my posts in even a day.

I may not always be helpful or accurate, but I do claim to be prolific.

Please share the love.
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