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Old 11-08-2010, 02:26 PM   #28
Posts: n/a

In regards to the comments about airbags and leaf springs...
I installed a set of Timbrens on the rear of my Astro a couple of years ago and very much like what they do.
Basically they are not airbags, but a "rubber cushion" that acts as a helper spring.
They don't do anything when the van is unloaded, only taking effect once load sags the back of the truck to make contact.
For us, this means that my wife enjoys a natural ride to work with an empty van, but on the weekend when my son and I take off for a rugby tournament with tons of gear and a few 200 lb buddies, the Timbrens kick in and work great.
I highly recommend these, as long as you understand what they do and know their limitations.

They attached in a way that transmits the load from the axle, directly to the frame, thus reducing the weight seen by the leaf springs when the van is loaded.
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