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Old 08-06-2003, 08:56 PM   #6
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Default Re:I tend toward the elegant and unexpected "camping" fare...

Those "french press" coffeemakers work really well, and are fast. They make great coffee!

Another great recipe if you like shrimp, garlic & spinach, and also a quick and easy dinner:

Shrimp florentine.

Sautee some prawns (in a large skillet with a cover) in a little olive oil, about 3 cloves of garlic (hey you're supposed to be out in the woods, who cares?) and 1/3 cup or so of lemon juice. When prawns are just about done, remove from pan. Put in the spinach (bagged is wonderful) and toss with the remaining juices. When spinach is cooked down enought to get the lid on, put the shrimp/prawns back into the pan on top of the spinach, and cover with several slices of provolone cheese. Put the lid back on and cook slowly (you could almost turn off the stove at this point) until the cheese melts.

Serve with fettuccini (sp?) and (of course) garlic bread.

Yum! And not too many calories, depending on how much olive oil & cheese you use (and bread & pasta you eat).

And the smell will probably keep the bears away (at the very least the vampires). Do bears like garlic?

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