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Old 08-02-2010, 10:47 AM   #5
Posts: n/a

Harveyrv, thanks for your suggestion about the strap. I think that would be very useful. We actually live on a rather rough dirt mountain road. Luckily, it is short.
Do you mean larger tires on the TM? We have 15 inch tires (came with it).
Also, you also mention the wheelbase. Excuse my ignorance, can you explain how it affects handling? Right now, with the Sprinter, I do not think the wheelbase is an issue, but we certainly want to look at everything when we buy our next TV.
I have read that the Alaskan Highway is much improved from the past, still, you do not need to go off road to get some pretty rough patches...more like a constellation of potholes and frost heaves. Also, there are quite a few beautiful places that can only be reached on unpaved roads. But it was worth every minute of it! I hope you will go soon, it is the trip of a lifetime.
Brulaz, we do not have a WDH. Does it make a lot of difference? I have read conflicting reports about it, here and in other forums. Some say it adds unnecessary weight, which for us is a concern at this point. Could you give more of your take on it?
It will be probably a year before we go to any off road destinations, but I will let you know then how it goes.
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