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Old 07-20-2003, 03:21 PM   #1
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Default Tire protection during storage

When the TM is off the road or in storage for a while, I understand it is a good idea to protect the tires. I think I have read that you are supposed to rub something into the sidewalls to keep them from drying out and cracking. So my question is, what does everyone use?

I went down to WalMart the other day, and there are 20 or 30 "magic" tire cleaners in spray cans, and some of them also call themselves "Protectants". I bought a can of Armor-All Tire Foam Protectant, and just used it. According to the directions, you just spray it on - it goes on as a white foam - and leave it. That's all. Like I said, Magic!

Now maybe I'm too skeptical, but this can says it is enough to do 40 tires, and it cost only about $3, and (I admit) it just seems too easy. Is this really what is needed?

Second question, and maybe a silly one. We are supposed to protect the sidewalls. I presume this means both the inner and the outer sidewalls?


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