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Old 02-02-2010, 09:04 PM   #7
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Default Anybody wanta buy this trailer?

I am just getting back into trailering, so I am no expert, but I think you have gotten lots of solid advice here.

I had a couple of boats and stored them in a garage or dry shed. I also did regular trips with the scouts and we had trailers. Then for the last 15 years, no practice at all. So, as I come back to it, I can feel the rust. The instinct is gone and I have to think more right now. Both the trips we have made required backing in. The first trip I even backed in, decided I liked the next site over and pulled out, went around and did it in the other spot.

As my dive instructor and snipers say, "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast." In this case 'fast' equals 'it's over before it's nerve racking'.

We are using 2-ways, also. I should record the audio. DW's concept of ground control is pretty humorous. The last time the batteries were dead and just to hook up, she used hand signals. I had to get out of the truck before we finished. We both sat on a picnic table and almost wet our pants laughing as we both imitated each other's part of the process.

I am sure it will get better and I am thinking about doing some parking lot drills to regain some more feel.
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