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Old 02-02-2010, 08:17 PM   #5
Posts: n/a

I learned to back trailers as a teenager backing a boat trailer. The best technique that I learned was to put my hand on the bottom of the steering wheel and move the wheel in the direction that I want the trailer to go. You can do this looking over your shoulder - which I did when I had my Starcraft popup because I could see over it. But with the TM all I see is the front of the trailer. So now I use the mirrors. It is a little harder - I sometimes have to figure out which way I want it to go - towards the outside of the mirror or towards the inside - but it works.

The other handy thing is to have your spotter use a 2 way radio. That way if they happen to get out of your site line, you can still hear them yell STOP! before you hit that tree.

And like the others say - practice, practice, practice.
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