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Old 12-11-2009, 09:23 AM   #10
Posts: n/a

Assuming the original drum was in spec, then warped brake drum/rotors are almost always caused by the brakes overheating, then cooling rapidly. On a car, this would be caused by either driving habits, terrain, or another undiagnosed brake issue causing one brake or axle to work harder then the other.
If this brake started off not being adjusted probably, it would heat up even when the brakes are not applied. The normal temps this time of the year would cool the drum rapidly when stopped for a burger, etc. You then take off and start the process all over again....snowballing the issue.
The fact that this brake totally locked up puts it in a category by itself...making me think the drum was defective to start with, put on incorrectly, or dropped at some point.

After getting several new brake rotors that were warped right out of the box, I raised hell with the local parts store manager. I was told this was common due to shipping and stocking. I told him they need to quit hiring gorillas. Also considering that it's almost impossible to buy anything not made in China, Malaysia, etc.
Based on this, the potential for a new warped drum going on from the factory is not that far fetched, and unless TM is checking each one prior to installing, then "there ya go..".

A good "pre-trip check" that anyone can do for this would be to simply jack each side of the trailer and spin the wheels with your hands. If the tires spin freely, you're in good shape. If any of them tend to lope or have a "catch point", then you have a warping problem starting. If not corrected, it will simply get worse as time goes by.
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