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Old 07-19-2009, 02:14 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default Storing the TM Open


My TM is taking a beating and I believe part of the problem is long stretches of it being closed and out in the elements. I have a feeling if I left it open I would check it more often and be more likely to find problems quicker. Additionally, it would take less wear and tear in the sense that I wouldn't have to open and close it so often just to get a look at what's going on inside.

But, obviously with it open it would have more area exposed to the elements as well as get more josteled by the wind.

My plan would be to cover the windows on the inside with some cardboard just to keep the sun damage out.

I was wondering if anyone had experience with leaving it open for long stretches and if there is anything unique I should do or be looking for if I do it.

Thanks...oh...and my locale is eastern North Carolina.
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