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Old 08-20-2008, 07:04 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by cali camping View Post
It is secured using the same nylon clips used to hold the upper half of the entry door closed during transport. TM calls them "Turnbuttons" and they cost $1.20 each. I used 2 on the bottom and 1 on each of the sides and top. I did have to replace the screw and nut D & S used on the fabrication of the screen door with aluminum rivets and backing washers to get the screen to lay flush against the back of the TM.
cali camping, I want to try out your screen storage soon, but have a couple of questions.

I had to replace the screw and nut with a rivet on the hinge side of the screen.....the nut was hanging up on the door flange. In doing this, the long part of the rivet is now opposite the clamps, meaning they would be up against the TM in your storage position. Do you think there is room there if I used a bumper to cushion that part, that the clamps would still clear the back wall of the upper section. I haven't measured it yet, but thought I would get your input 1st.

I don't think that the bed support will be a problem if I move the screen almost to the rear storage compartment door.

Thanks, Chap
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