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Old 07-17-2008, 07:56 AM   #1
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Default New Flat Tire Story

Just a note about safety that happened to work out for me this time...

We we're making preps to leave the night before departure from our campsight and my father noticed my left tire looked low. I checked it, and sure enough it had lost about 13 psi over the course of 4 days.

I used my brother's bicycle pump to put it back up to a few psi below max and set out the next morning. We made a gas stop a couple hours into the trip to grab some lunch. I checked the air in the tire again and had lost 10 psi. We refilled the tire to 5 psi over max, grabbed some lunch, and headed out looking for the first rest stop.

We found a great rest stop with a "car with trailers" section with big old spots right next trees and picnic tables. My wife entertained the twin rug rats, fed them and herself, and generally took a nice long break and let them crawl around.

This gave me time to quickly throw on the spare and get peace of mind for the remaining 5 hour drive. It was easy and the safe thing to do.

I guess I just want to say that basic safety checks before departing both home AND the campsite can pay off by avoiding that highway tire change. I have to thank my father whose experience is far greater and noticed the problem first.

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