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Old 10-09-2002, 03:00 PM   #3
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Default Re: Torsion Bar Brackets

I had to replace the middle torsion bar bracket, on the refrigerator side. It has a holddown clamp on it. The reason that I had to replace the bracket, was that the steel had a rip half way through the bracket, and was starting to bend. I caught it in time before it broke completely. It is stressed because of the holddown clamp attached to it. Also, the vertical piece that suppose to give it strength, was not welded to the inside top of the bracket. I ordered a new bracket from the factory. This one is welded on two sides of the vertical support. I asked the factory for written instructons. I was leary of doing the labor myself, but I decided to tackle the job. It was a huge undertaking. Instructions said to remove the bolts of the support arms in the upper halves ot the trailer. Use two 2x4, eight feet long boards. Lift the tops on each board, so as to tilt each top half up and back, high enough to be able to remove the support arms. Then I was able to remove the support arms off of the two torsion bars to remove the defective bracket and replace the new bracket. I had a little trouble reassembling it. I could not line up the support arm with the side hole in order to reinsert the bolt. Donny, at the factory told me to lower the top a few inches. Then that would give me some play to move the support arm to line up the hole with the body and reinsert the bolt. There is more involved in disassembly and reassembly, but it would be difficult to explain it here. Whew! I did it!! I don't have the capability to show pictures.

I would suggest that you check this bracket on your TM to see that it is not damaged like mine was.

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