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Old 03-21-2008, 07:39 PM   #18
Posts: n/a

To quote myself:

Just be aware that a 3500 pound trailer weighs 4500 pounds if you have a 1000 pounds of water, options and stuff. It is not unusual for the difference between factory dry weight and actual loaded weight to differ by 1000 pounds.

But, you don't have to carry that much stuff. Leave some at home.

End quote.

What I was trying to say was that if you have a TV capable of towing a 3500 pound trailer, and you have a trailer with a dry weight of 3500 pounds, you could easily find yourself overweight.

If the trailer is 3500 pounds wet and loaded then I see no problem at all.

When I see someone, especially a newbie, say that they just bought a trailer that weighs 3500 pounds, I assume they did not weigh it and only looked at the factory sticker. I also assume that they did not include their stuff.

It can be amazing how much stuff you take with you. I would never have guessed that my stuff weighs 1000 pounds. And that does not include the stuff in the back of the truck, like the generator, firewood, gas, bicycles, portable fire pit, tools, ice chests. If I put all of my stuff in the TM, *I* would be overweight. It is necessary for me to keep some of my stuff in the truck.

Good thing my kids are 24 and 25. When the go with us their stuff s in their cars. I don't have anymore room.

If you don't weight it then you do not know what you have.

But if it doesn't make you nervous driving an unknown mass down mountain grades, go for it. Just leave a lot of room around yourself, just in case your guess was wrong.

I am very conservative. In 1980, while driving my unibody car I was rear ended. The resulting damage was amazing. Total loss. Because of that I am reluctant to tow only with a TV that has a frame. This is my personal choice based on personal experience. I have also personally observed what happens when a boat and its trailer separates from the truck, and snaps the safety chains. I have seen a ski boat in the air when there was no water around.

Clearly my experience is not typical. Therefore, the choices I choose to make are not average.

Yeah, I have a big TV, but it was cheaper than the TM. TM was new, TV was used.
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