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Old 01-09-2008, 06:39 PM   #6
Posts: n/a

On the specific topic of the tongue weight causing unweighting of the TV front axle, I have no doubt that it is true.

However, it seems to me that even if my front axle is a little unweighted, it is still quite likely heavier than average, because I have 4wd.

Somewhere I have the weight for all three axles, but they aren't very handy. But I do know that all three axles wee within 100 pounds of each other. The weight that I cry is spread very evenly across all three axles. If I were to add a WD hitch I would disturb this even distribution. That does not seem to make a lot of sense to me. The purpose of the WD hitch is to rebalance the weight distribution. If you weight is badly distributed, then a WD hitch is a reasonable way to redistribute it.

Furthermore, the weight on my TM axle is 3380 and the limit is 3500. If I were to use a WD hitch and shift more than 120 pounds back to the TM axle, then I would be over the TM axle specification. For a few pounds I would not be concerned, but I certainly don't want to go much over the spec. Right now, I am just a little under.

In my particular situation, with a relatively long TV that is relatively heavy on the front axle, I am in decent shape as far a weight distribution goes.

I can not speak for other trucks, only my own particular configuration.
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