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Old 03-30-2007, 08:20 AM   #3
Posts: n/a

Well, here is our schedule. We try to go out once a month:

February Brannan Island and the Surf and Turf RV show at Cal Expo - done
March Big Sur State Park - done
April 4 days at Laguna Seca for the Sea Otter Classic mountain bike race
May Bass Lake
June undecided
July DW will stay with the TM as base camp while my brother and I backpack 60 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail

Thats all the plans so far.

Even if it never happens, I really liked seeing where people are going or have gone in Northern California. I saw PiPi. I haven't been there in almost 20 years. It is definitely on or list.

Places we have been:

Lake Nacimiento (central coast)
Clarks Fork and Pinecrest Lake (above Sonora)
Marble Quarry at Columbia
Yosemite (private RV park in Groveland)
Emigrant/Yuba Gap on I80

I want to go back to Lake Pillsbury, but it is 18 miles of dirt road to get to it and I think I will wait until the TM is a little less new.

Also on my list of places to go:
Alpine Lake
Highland Lakes
Collins Lake
Lake McClure
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