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Old 01-11-2007, 01:28 PM   #9
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Default TV cable disconnected and damaged

My cable became damaged somehow by the WDH mechanism on my trip home when new. It looked like it had been pinched as it was slit lengthwise.

Firstly, I repaired it using crimped connections and black tape while on the road. I got these parts at an auto repair store.

Secondly, to prevent this from happening, I wrapped bungee cord around the jack head (1 loop) and pulled the bungee down to grasp the cable mid span. This both holds the cable from dragging and away from the sway bars.

Thirdly, I check my cable by a) reading the Prodigy controller ("c" means "connected") and testing the brakes using the manual brake lever.

Forthly, when I disconnect, I put the cable connector between the propane tanks to hold it so it won't drag if I do forget to connect it.

One time I forgot to connect the cable and after 20 miles made the realization. I was very happy to find that the cable had not been dragging because of the bungee.

Now, I do have another cable problem. My 110V cable worked its way out of the bumper while on my way home from Mexico a year ago. By the time I saw it in the mirror and pulled over the electrical contacts had been ground shorter . I purchased a replacement connector but have been hesitant to install it. I don't like the idea of this being in any way loose as the OEM part is molded and this one more open. Maybe I can fill it with silicon rubber to keep water out?

Now that I am retired, I should have time to make these repairs..... Life is good!
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