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Old 08-19-2006, 12:58 PM   #6
Posts: n/a

Not to throw a wrench in the works or anything but those trailer length tables are based on slabsided full-height trailers and their tendency to act like a sail and sway. Also, the trailer lengths assume a typical full-size trailer weight for those lengths and the moments of force produced thereof. The tables therefore assume tail-wagging-dog scenarios which are probably not at all typical for a Trailmanor IMHO.
I do believe, however, the TM length and weight is important when considered along with the TV wheelbase and "other factors" when it comes to keeping in control when braking and turning, such as towing down a steep hill and around a curve or in certain collision avoidance situations. Also, those "other factors" it seems to me are just as important in this scenario such as the TV rear overhang (can affect those moment forces as much as the wheelbase), the WDH affecting the the relative grip between TV rear wheels and front wheels and therefore the resistance to it being pushed into rotation, and, probably most importantly, the condition and controller setting of the TM brakes.
Unfortunately we have no tables which are particularly applicable IMO, but certainly sticking to the old "rules of thumb" errs well on the conservative side.

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