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Old 02-01-2002, 12:35 AM   #4
Posts: n/a
Default Re: A new angle on the Reefer temperature


An interesting situation.  We’ve generally only put the reefer on for a few hours before heading out rather than a day or two.  Of course, In Phoenix, you probably need a couple of days to do the job.  

I am impressed that our TMs can freeze stuff.  When we have ours too high (4 or above) some of the items on the top shelf get frozen.  I remember our first RV when I was a teenager and it wouldn’t freeze anything in the freezer, let alone the refrigerator compartment.  I think I’ll buy a thermometer just to keep the food at a constant temperature, since that is probably best overall.

Now a question on a different subject:  how did you get to be a “junior member” when all the rest of us are “new member?”  This is just idle curiosity!

F. J. & Ellen
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