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Old 11-19-2002, 09:10 AM   #6
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Location: The mountains of Scottsdale, AZ, and the beaches of Maine
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Default Re: Northeast Winter Camping

The TM water system is pretty hardy. It will freeze solid if you let it, but in my experience it won't break. But the "skirt" idea is REALLY interesting. I hope you do it, and report your results to the group here.

As long as you have heat inside the TM, the fresh water tank and the water pump will be OK, and I think the blue gunk in the toilet will be OK (though I have no concrete experience to report). But the grey water tank, as well as the fresh water hose and the sewer hose, are a problem.

A humorous note - or at least I am able to view it that way after some time has passed. Last winter we spent a cold night in Cibola Sands campground in Grants, New Mexico. As we checked in, the campground owner reminded us not to let our sewer hose lie on the ground, since the contents don't fully drain - i.e., water collects in the hose and freezes. He said that the previous night, a camper had let his entire hose fill and freeze, and in the morning he ended up with a set of steer horns (a long frozen hose that you carry across the campground to the dumpster). "He looked pretty silly carrying those horns to the dumpster, I can tell you!" But the owner also said that if you do freeze, it is not a problem as long as you DON'T TOUCH THE HOSE! Run some hot water down the drain and let it gradually thaw. If you flex the hose before it thaws completely, though, the ice will punch pinholes in the vinyl, and you get to throw it away.

It being late when we checked in, I listened but didn't really pay attention. I left the hose out, propped up so it would drain, but it still had a low spot. It froze, of course, and you can imagine the sequence. In the morning, I discovered the freeze, ran hot water down it, it started to thaw, but I wasn't patient enough to wait until it thawed COMPLETELY. I lifted it up, flexed it - and KA-PUNCH - got leaks. Carry it across the campground to the dumpster, feeling humiliated, everyone watching. Curse a bit. Go to Wal-Mart for a new one. Mumble mumble.

We're heading for the same campground next month. This time I'll be smarter - I hope.

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