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Old 04-19-2005, 12:19 PM   #2
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First off let me say these are costly compaired to just camping. Also they are limited in location. Their selling points are that they are selective in membership (read if you have the fee money you are good enough). Most offer two weeks free for your money at your home resort. Then for $5 or $10 per night you can stay at other member resorts as long as you have the tickets, each year you pay your dues you get a few tickets to spend, you may also pass these to friends so that they can camp with with you, even at your home resort.

Having painted the black picture lets add a little light. If you find a home resort you really like, not too far from your real home, and you really get on well with the other folks who use it a lot and they offer weekend entertainment and have lots of things to do, swim, horse riding, etc. maybe you have found a home resort.

Another good point is that most (by far not all) are a little better kept that your run of the mill public camps and some private camps. A few have primo locations but those cost a lot to buy into and must be booked well in advance. Rarely you can find a great place out in the middle of no where with everything your looking for.

Having said all of that, I would suggest you buy into one only if you find one that 1) is close to where you travel often, 2) offers things you enjoy a great deal, 3) has lots of folks you really enjoy being around 4) is not too far from home. I would not consider their other member camps, if you count on them you will be disappointed.

Coast to Coast/RPI member for five years. Not now a member but thnking of joining one of the discount clubs like escapees.
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