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Old 01-16-2024, 05:09 PM   #32
Rob Culver
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2023
Posts: 75

Originally Posted by Bill View Post
I agree, that makes a lot of sense. But it still doesn't tell us (me) what the bolt is all about. Since the bolt appears to have no function on the upper side of the hitch, and isn't attached to anything under the hitch, could it simply be removed? As it is, it looks like a knuckle-buster when you raise or lower the tab.

In my experience, TM is really good about this kind of thing. They go out of their way to bring more-than-required service and satisfaction to their owners, and always avoid pointing fingers at their suppliers.

I agree with you Bill. The Bolt could be removed with no consequences once that ring is in place. I think the Bolt does act as a secondary fail safe though. If the lift tab slides back towards the bolt without being lifted up, then the bolt stops the hitch from opening also. It's not a good way to stop it since I could imagine alot of force actually breaking the bolt and it's also possible for the lift tab to go up and over the bolt too. The florists wire would help prevent that but we both agreed that would be a pretty mickey mouse way to do it.

I'm glad to hear that this Trailmanor service of paying for the mistake when they didn't have to is the norm for them. I think it might not necessarily be normal for other errors but the hitch is not something you want to mess around with at less than 100% perfect! lol ... I think..
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