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Old 09-24-2023, 07:48 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by ShrimpBurrito View Post
I agree there's not alot of room for threads, but the self-tapping bolts (or whatever they were, they looked a bit different than machine bolts) that hold up each of the stabilizing jacks on my unit anyway remained darn tight after 20+ years and 10's of thousands of miles of tensile forces. The forces on these bolts would be more shear, and so therefore presumably less demanding on the threads.

Pictures attached. They are the same thing as what's already on the camper in a few places -- now there will be more. Take a look under yours, and you'll see a few, including right behind the driver-side wheel. The small holes are for the bolts to attach it to the frame. The large holes are just for things like wires, propane lines, etc. to pass through under the trailer.

I have never seen anything like that -- what is that? Have you posted a separate thread about it?

Thanks for all the great ideas, folks!


Thanks for sharing Dave, they were staring me in the face! I will look to add several of those but also thinking of inserting bolts from the lower side wall and into the floor to help secure the floor.

1. Anyone else here thinking bolts through lower side wall too or have any other ideas on the lower side wall?

I know side wall is very thin, but floor was secured via staples before and unsure outriggers alone will do it.

Also I noticed a few things on my TM below (with pics), need help identifying if these are standard TM or not, anyone know?

2. Straight bracket (not outrigger) running near drains and over a cutout on floor.

3. Cutout outline under straight bracket faint but visible.

4. Box housing providing access to bathtub drain

-These are all towards rear of the cutout that appears to have been added to vent the cassette toilet.

Appreciate insights as I知 still searching for a root cause of sag and trying to understand the TM.

I知 set to visit factory late October and will share what we come up with (planning to include outriggers).

Thanks again and good luck Dave !

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