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Old 03-31-2003, 11:15 AM   #6
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Difference in propane bottle type

One point about the horizontal bottles that hasn't been mentioned..... they do not need to be removed from the trailer to be filled.  Some propane dealers insist that like the vertical bottles, that they need to be removed.  The newer trailers should (may) have a sticker on them that spells this out.  Some time ago, someone on this site gave an email address where one could go to read about this issue and to print out a letter to hand to the dealer.

Also, it is  Federal law that propane bottles have an expiration date on them.  At that point, they are to be replaced or re-retrofitted.  The caution here is that it would be a shame for a novice TM owner to trade his brand new bottle in and in exchange get one that has less time on it.  It is possible that the date on some bottles may have already expired.  Look for the date that is stamped into the bottle.


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