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Old 08-20-2004, 09:41 PM   #3
Posts: n/a

B_and_D, yes, that is the correct McMaster-Carr catalog number for the 10' lengths of white, 1" wide Super-adhesive Nylon hook strips.

When we removed the old factory-installed Velcro strips, we found a thick, gummy layer of old adhesive stuck to the walls underneath each strip. It took a lot of effort scraping with a knife and much wiping with paint thinner moistened cloth to get this off. But you will need to get the old adhesive off if you want your new strips to stick on well.

My 3124KS currently is closed down so I haven't been able to take a look at the rubbing strips underneath its king bed. Our bed may not have the same rubbing strips as those underneath your 2720 model. How thick are the Nylon strips? When you say that they have an "L shape," do you mean that their cross section is in the shape of an L? Would 10 mil thick (0.010" thick) ultrahigh molecular weight (UHMW) polyethylene, self-adhesive tape suffice as a replacement for your torn Nylon strips? If this thickness is sufficient, you could apply half of the width to the bottom of the rail and the remaining half to the side (it will take some preparation and careful application to avoid ending up with a messed-up job containing wrinkles in the surfaces) McMaster-Carr, unfortunately, does not sell the UHMW poly. tape in 4" widths. You may have to order the 6" width and cut that down to a 4" width. You could, however, apply the surplus 2" width to the roof of your TM to prevent paint from rubbing off where the two shells rub against each other - see the recent thread addressing this. If the strip is very thick, McMaster-Carr does sell a 2" x 2" angle that is 1/4" thick. It's quite expensive, though, as it lists for about $2.30 a foot. Or, you could purchase 2" wide x 1/8" thick strips of UHMW poly. and attach them with countersunk screws - one such strip on the bottom and a second on the side. Nylon, by the way, usually is more expensive but not as durable as UHMW polyethylene.
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