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Old 08-15-2004, 01:57 PM   #4
Posts: n/a

To me, RV and Camper are interchangable. Where you choose to use it is up to you. The only folks I've heard that try to make a point of RV being a larger (read costlier) Class A are those who forked over 1/2 a mill to buy one to impress others. I've camped next to many Class As that belonged to folks who just wanted the extra "niceities" and weren't uppity about it at all. To them an RV is a camper. A travel trailer is any trailer designed to sleep in. Don't see much use in soft sided trailers, be they pop up or slideout, that is still tent camping to me. You still have to dry things out and put up with wind noise.

2720 camping where ever we can. We do try to hit full hookups at least once every three days, or for staying for longer than a week in one place.
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