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Old 04-26-2021, 11:30 AM   #8
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 13

Originally Posted by Bill View Post
Misc thoughts

Any possibility of widening your garage door by (say) six inches or a foot? It wouldn't be cheap, but your other options aren't either.

I earlier dismissed the thought of widening the garage doors, but hearing someone else suggest it made me revisit the idea. We have two garage doors, brick veneer surrounding them, and I believe they could be combined into a single door. I'll have to get some estimates from someone who knows what they're looking at.

Originally Posted by Bill View Post
Re the Electra-Magic. First, be sure in your own mind that your objections are really the smell, and not discomfort with the whole idea of a pot o' poo down there. If the issue is the latter, go ahead with the toilet changeout, as nothing else will make it right.

Good luck

Yeah, I guess I wasn't specific enough, but thank you for the suggestions. The swirling pot-o-poo juice is really what we're trying to avoid. Just seems like this could be addressed in a much more simple manner, like bagging it or composting in a bucket. I understand why TM used the Electra-Magic in the first place though - the only way to move campers off the showroom floor is to meet the needs of the average buyer. It might not be the "best" option, but its the one that buyers think they want. And, I'm sure it works fine for a lot of people. So, to each his own!

Ours is working for now though, but is on the list to be replaced.
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