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Old 07-23-2004, 10:26 AM   #2
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: The mountains of Scottsdale, AZ, and the beaches of Maine
Posts: 10,176

Thanks for posting this, Mr. Bill. Your experience with the factory mirrors mine - they have been great whenever I have called! My thanks to everyone in Lake City.

Sorry to hear that your dealer has been slow. Fortunately, I have also had good experience with mine. My thanks go to Dana and his crew on Cape Cod. Most owners, I think, share this good experience.

To newcomers or lurkers, this board must occasionally seem like a bunch of complainers. But that is because we are able to go to each other for ideas on how to do things differently, how to customize things to our own particular likes and dislikes, and seek advice on handling the inevitable problems that go with a rolling home. Yes, there are occasional problems that should have been caught by the factory or the dealer, and a little patience is needed. It goes a lot further than an instant dose of vitriol. Nothing is perfect - but as you note, the factory (and the owner pool - us!) deals with virtually all of the questions in a supportive manner. As a result, the majority of posts show a co-operative pool of well-satisfied owners - which is very encouraging to me, and far better than you find on some other owner forums.

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