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Old 07-09-2016, 06:47 PM   #3
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Default extreme over kill..just to make sure...

Originally Posted by BradS7535 View Post
So I've read most of the topics on the roof trim pieces and caulking them but I just wanted some clarification hopefully. When I washed my TM last weekend I noticed that the caulk had slightly separated from the roof center trim piece (still well attached to the roof, pic below).

1) Does this mean I WILL have a leak if/when it rains in SoCal?
2) Is there a caulk seal below this trim piece that is the main seal from leaks?
3) From what I've read, it seems like this is a common occurrence of the caulk not sticking to the plastic trim piece. Is it a major problem to leave it like this if there are no leaks, or what do you guys do about it? Seems like even slight movement in the roofs could cause even new caulk to separate from the plastic trim and it would be a pain to have to re-caulk every time it separates.

I'm wanting to put my Solar panel on, but due to the size it will straddle the center trim. I'm going to see how difficult it is to unbolt the panel from the z-brackets if it is mounted to the roof to make sure I can remove the panels later if I need to re-caulk the center trim piece.

Your thoughts and suggestions are as always, appreciated.
Once again you can go look at my website to see how I dealt with the leaks that I HAD....but not anymore and hopefully not ever again....and hopefully this will give you some ideas...your roof trim does look better than the puny little strip I had down the middle on mine...
3M makes some really good marine caulk I think it's called 4900 or 5200??? see if you can find some...I know I discuss it on my website under "The Roof"....(once again, PUSHING my website...AHHHH...that felt GOOD!)
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