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Old 08-12-2015, 04:16 PM   #7
TrailManor Master
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: GA
Posts: 503

But depending on the size of your lot, be sure to anticipate the unanticipated. The reason I say this is when we bought our 2023 a year ago we knew it wasn't going to fit in the garage plus we had more valuable vehicles in there already. In addition, our driveway access is very difficult for a 23 foot trailer due to a sharp curve and trees blocking the way. But fortunately we had a very cooperative neighbor with a driveway 3 feet from ours who didn't mind us using that for a straight shot to our yard. Then we had to veer a few feet onto his back property to avoid some other trees in order to get to the camper parking area in our back yard.

So with this difficulty we were already anticipating the need to put it in a local storage facility at some point. But we kept it parked the past year doing cleaning and repairs and such.

But fast forward, the above neighbors decided to sell and move to a retirement home a month or so ago and the new neighbors (very friendly people) immediately put up a fence on the property line within a week of moving in.

Now we have only one narrow path to get the trailer out from our yard and we have to do it soon without destroying some landscaping shrubs recently planted. So suddenly there is no choice for us but to move the camper to storage.
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