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Old 06-27-2013, 07:13 PM   #6
Posts: n/a

Yes I finally tested it out. I at first had it mounted too far forward, just behind the WDH hitch connection but found that when folded up the wheel was too close to the receiver and would not allow right hand turns. It is now mounted so that the mounting bolts straddle the Propane tanks (but do not touch it) and all is well.

It does move my trailer, it takes a lot of revolutions in low gear and a lot of muscle in high gear. But it does move it. I have the following issues I am going to be talking to the folks who make it about, only one being of concern:
1. The brake does not latch if the trailer starts to roll, even on the slight incline of my drive, The brake needs to grab with more authority. I am not sure of the design as I have not opened anything up but when the trailer was rolling ever so slowly it sounded like a ratchet trying to catch.
2. The bolt that holds the mounting bracket and the valet together is also the pivot point for raising the assembly up for traveling. The bolt loosens a lot from this process--not a huge issue as there is a standard pin and clip holding them in position (same as what holds the ball assembly into the receiver of your tv) so I know it is not going anywhere- I just don't like the way the valet leans around under load.
3. I had to shim out the above assembly with fender washers in order for the pin to actually fit, the holes did not align at all and I found that one hole of the assembly was egg shaped in order for the mounting bolt to match up. Neither was a structural issue, just sloppy manufacturing.

Would I buy another if needed, yes. I have tried several other methods of backing my TM into the garage as my drive makes a 90 degree turn that the truck and TM cannot make together. Tractors, hand dollies, floor mounted winch did poorly, this gets the job done and for a reasonable amount of money.
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