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Old 05-27-2013, 09:25 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by countrygirl View Post
Sounds awesome and I would love to got there.

I have looked up the Myakka River state park before. They have a trail through the tree tops that I want to walk. It is on (I think) strung rope and wooden bridges. The photos that I have seen of it are beautiful.
True. Like all our State Parks, you have to pay a park entrance fee to get in but it is not much. While there, we went to that bridge through the tree tops and would do it again. It does require a short hike through some soft sand parts of the trail. You then climb up several flights of stairs in a wooden tower construction to about mid tree-top level and cross over a suspension(?) bridge (we felt very little sway) to the end tower. You can then climb about the same distance again upward to well above tree top level and look forever over forested green.

Well worth it, but personally I don't think I would try the tower top level in a thunderstorm, but then again, it probably would be pretty exciting.
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